Keratosis Pilaris Is a Keratinization of Hair Follicles

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Chieh Chen
Da-ming Liao


Keratosis pilaris is a common dermatological condition and is sometimes considered as a normal variant of the skin. It is also referred to as follicular keratosis. It is multifactorial and innocuous, affecting the extensor surfaces of the proximal extremities. Keratosis pilaris first appears in early childhood and progresses to become extensive during the second decade of life. Keratosis pilaris is also associated with many other conditions, including atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis vulgaris, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and malnutrition, as well as in conjunction with syndromes like Down syndrome and Noonan syndrome. Although the disease may improve over time, there are still some treatments available, including emollients, exfoliants, anti-inflammatory medication, phototherapy, and laser therapy.

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How to Cite
Chen, C. . and Liao, D.- ming (2023) “Keratosis Pilaris Is a Keratinization of Hair Follicles”, International Journal of Integrated Medical Research, 10(01), pp. 27–30. doi: 10.57181/ijoimr/vol10i01/105.
Research Article


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