Description of Salivary Volume in Underweight Toddlers Age 3-5 Years in Silo Ii Health Center Working Area, Jember Regency

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Iklima Rahmadani
Ari Tri Wanodyo Handayani
Ristya Widi Endah Yani


Background: The high prevalence of underweight globally there are 45.4 million in underweight toddlers. Underweight is someone whose body weight in relation to their age is below standard. The underweight prevalence in toddlers under five years in Indonesia is 17.8% higher than in toddlers under two years. Based on resource, there are 593 underweight toddlers in Silo II Health Center working area, Jember Regency, until February 2023. Based on the high underweight incidence, if it’s still continuing, it will give various impacts on the body and oral cavity’s health. If it’s analyzed in oral cavity from the saliva side, in underweight there's potential for changes in salivary gland (salivary gland atrophy). This causes salivary glands hypofunction so that saliva production is reduced and salivary volume decreases. The aim of this study is to describe the salivary volume in underweight toddlers aged 3-5 years in Silo II Health Center working area, Jember Regency.

Methods: Unstimulated saliva collection was be held at 9 to 11 a.m. (Western Indonesian Time), using the spitting method, which is collecting saliva in the mouth, with the lips closed, saliva was released every 1 minute, with duration of 5 minutes.

Results: The mean value of salivary volume based on the salivary volume category was found that the most respondents had low salivary volume with mean value of 0.885 ± 0.182 ml. The frequency distribution result of salivary volume based on weight categories showed that the most respondents were underweight with salivary volume in the low category with mean value of 0.921 ml.

Conclusions: Salivary volume of underweight toddlers in Silo II Health Center working area, Jember Regency is lower than the salivary volume of normal toddlers. This possibly occurs due to changes in the salivary glands and impacts salivary glands hypofunction which results in decreasing salivary volume production.

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How to Cite
Rahmadani, I., Handayani, A. T. W. and Yani, R. W. E. (2024) “Description of Salivary Volume in Underweight Toddlers Age 3-5 Years in Silo Ii Health Center Working Area, Jember Regency”, International Journal of Integrated Medical Research, 11(01), pp. 12–19. doi: 10.57181/ijoimr/vol11i01/165.
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