International Online and Print Journal

CALL FOR PAPER - Fast Track Publication Hub

ISSN (Online): 2393-9869  || ISSN (Print): 2350-0360​​

VOLUME - 11 - ISSUE - 03 - July-August-September 2024

Frequency : 04 Issue Per Year

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International Journal of Integrated Medical Research is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal dedicated to the rapid publication of full-length original research papers, short communications, invited reviews, Case studies and editorial commentary and news, Opinions & Perspectives and Book Reviews written at the invitation of the Editor in all areas of the Medical Original Research.

International Journal of Integrated Medical Research is an academic journal which aims to publish complete and reliable source of information in the field of medical research providing the fundamental knowledge for further research. IJOIMR commits to publish the results of researches in medical practice, risk factors and preventive medicine, safety and effectiveness of treatments, and diagnostic tools that are used to treat any disease. Our journal aims to attract an international audience of Medicine professionals enthusiastic to the most updated and substantial medical progress through the full spectrum of medical research.

Medical Science ||  Biomedical Science || Clinical Science || Operation theatre technician

Anatomy, Physiology, Anesthesia, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Genetics, Hematology, Pathology, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology, Surgery, Dental Sciences, Sports Physiology, Histopathology, Toxicology and all major disciplines of Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacokinetics, Molecular Drug Design, Phytochemistry, Toxicology, Biomedical Analysis, Clinical Research, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, Agriculture, Herbal Medicine, Orthopedics and all major disciplines of Medical and Biomedical Studies.

Articles are published as they are accepted and are freely available on the journal’s website to facilitate rapid and broad dissemination of research findings to a global audience.

Top Reasons for publication with us

Quick Quality Review: The journal has strong international team of editors and reviewers, Rapid Decision and Publication

Other features: DIDS and DOI: Assigned and Implemented the Open Review System (ORS).

Important Notice:

Author can now directly send their manuscript as an email attachment to:

Vol. 11 No. 02 (2024): April-May-June 2024

Published: 2024-04-01


Tuberculosis Relapse; Retrospective Algerian Study

Tuberculosis Relapse

Nadia Fettal, Mahammedi Chaker, Abdelbassat Ketfi


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